

progressive tax

  1. A tax that takes a higher proportion of large incomes than of small ones. ( Compare regressive tax .)

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But as it stands, the United States already has one of the very most progressive tax systems in the world.

He is, he says, to the left of the party on most issues, including single payer health care and a more progressive tax structure.

Small fortunes would be exempted and those above 20,000 marks would be subject to a progressive tax.

But the idea of a progressive tax was ingrafted into the law.

Then there are the death duties, a progressive tax on property passing at death, which yield one tenth of the revenue.

During the palmiest days of Greece—the days of Solon and Lycurgus—a progressive tax was a stern reality.

All incomes unearned by productive work of hand or brain were subjected to a progressive tax, which reached fifty per cent.



